Put yourself in the picture for 2023!

Want to spend some time this summer hanging out with some wonderful horses and amazing people? We need help with horse care, horse leaders, sidewalkers for our riders, barn help and other tasks. No experience? No problem! We will train you. Hours are flexible; we will appreciate whatever time you can give.
How to volunteer:
Step 1: Fill out an application. EATA-Volunteer-Application-Current-2022.pdf
* Completed applications can be mailed to
EATA, P.O. Box 240663, Anchorage AK 99524-0663 or emailed to ride@equineassistedtherapyalaska.org.
Or just bring it with you on your first day of volunteering
Step 2: Go to SignUp.com to choose your times and tasks. Once we have your application, your email address will be entered in the EATA summer program sign up.
Summer Session 2023
Session 1: June 5 – June 30.
Break for July 4 week of July -7
Session 2: July 10 – August 11
Our lessons run from 9 to 12:00 and from 1 to 4:00, Monday through Friday.
EATA runs on volunteers. We can’t run this program without YOU!

Equine Assisted Therapy Alaska’s volunteers are exceptional every year! Volunteers give over 4,000 hours of service to run EATA’s program. The positive attitude and energy from volunteers are central aspects of a smooth, efficient, and pleasurable experience for the EATA community. It is hard to tell who has a better time at the Equestrian Center, the riders, the volunteers, or the staff!

COVID safety procedures: Masks will be available if participants or their guardians request volunteers to be masked. At other times, volunteers may wear masks at their own discretion.


We would love to help you or your group get started with volunteering! If you have a group interested in coordinating a volunteering event please contact us so we can assist you in setting a date.