2023 EATA Herd

A fan favorite because of his playful nature, Hank has been with the herd since 2015. He is the tallest horse in the herd as well as the oldest at 27. He is a chestnut Quarter Horse (and maybe a bit of Morgan too) with a white blaze. Hank was a roping horse before being purchased for EATA by the 100+ Women Who Care Foundation.
This little mare is 25 year old Blondie. Blondie is a Champagne Palomino Quarter Horse who was a barrel racer before joining the herd in 2017. She is a gentle little horse who takes care of her riders.

Our second mare is Sweetie, a registered Paint (note her one blue eye) with chestnut coat and bald (white) face. Sweetie was donated by her owners in Gig Harbor, Washington, after retiring from hunt/jump competition. She joined the herd in 2020 and is now working with therapy riders. Sweetie is 25 years old.

Katie is a 24 year old registered Red Paint who joined the herd at the end of summer 2021. She is newly trained as a therapy horse and will be on loan for the next three summers while her owner finishes nursing school. Katie is a spunky sweetheart who loves kids and wants to please. Look for her distinctive markings – a lightning bolt above her right eye and a heart on her back left hip.

This handsome bay Quarter Horse is nicknamed “Seven” for the brand on his hindquarters. Seven is 25 and has been with EATA since 2014, longer than any other horse in the herd. He is owned by Janie Call and Shawn Rutherford and is a retired rodeo horse who still likes to show off his roping skills.

Zena is a 28-year-old quarterhorse on loan from her owner, Hilary Starzinski. She is a cremelo colored horse; the lack of pigment in her skin creates the pink around her eyes and nose. Zena has been a barrel racer and still competes in dressage. She has a smooth trot and is a fun horse to ride.
Rocky is a 24 year old leopard spotted Appaloosa. He is one of the newer members of the herd, joining us in 2019. He was a pack horse in his previous life, was rescued and trained successfully to be a therapy horse. He has mostly overcome his tendency to be a “pocket pony” learned during his pack horse days.

Teddy is also on loan for the summer. He is a 23 year old Icelandic whose owner Stephanie Hale trailers him in from Wasilla to spend two days with EATA. Teddy loves his job, likes to be first on the trail, and already has lots of fans. At 13 hands, Teddy is the size of a pony, but this little horse is sturdy and can carry as much weight as a quarter horse.
EATA Alumni
Here are a few of the horses from years past that continue to find a place in our hearts and minds!
Do you have photos of EATA past horses or stories of EATA/Rainbow Connection horses? Send them in: ride@equineassistedtherapyalaska.

Do you have an amazing horse that you are willing to donate or free lease to EATA during program sessions? Here is information on the type of horse EATA requires: Solid, well-mannered, and unshakable horses, able to trot, canter, and work in chaotic environment (cattle ranch and quarter-horses seem to be best for this environment, but we’ve had horses of all sorts in the herd. It just depends on the horse’s temperament).