Rental of the Equidome requires a rental agreement AND liability release for every user for each calendar year of use, prepayment, and scheduling with EATA for use time.
Step 1: Click here to download the rental form. Click here for the liability release form (required). Forms may be submitted by email or a picture taken and texted to Doug Stewart at contact below.
Step 2: Look below at the calendar for open times.
Step 3: Submit payment below by selecting from the dropdown menu and adding to your cart the correct rental option. You may add additional horses or times into your cart by selecting “continue shopping”.
Step 4: Submit to Kassi Fetters by text at 907-242-2608 or email with the time you’d like to reserve and your completed rental and liability forms.
Rates for Equidome use:
$25 per hour for up to 3 horses
-additional $10 per horse per hour (max 10 horses)
$125 for half day (6 hours any day)
$250 for whole day (12 hours any day)
$450 for two full days
The Equidome is owned by Equine Assisted Therapy Association (EATA). The Equidome does have heat that will be kept at a low temperature and is regulated by EATA. The current dust mitigation plan is large exhaust fans in the peaks of the structure. Please let us know when you rent if you have any problems and we will try our best to rectify them.