Goal: $4000 for transportation costs.
Our little herd has worked tirelessly all summer (see photos), and now it’s time for them to head for winter pasture. Program Director Janie Call boards them at her ranch in Oregon and works with them all winter to keep them in shape for the next therapy season. At their winter home, they are able to enjoy pasture life, a milder climate, and time to bond as a herd. It’s a win/win for horses and riders!
A few of the herd in winter pasture, Bend, Oregon.
How you can help
It costs $800 per horse to trailer them down the AlCan, which is a savings compared to the cost of boarding them in Alaska. Three of our horses have already had their transportation paid. Can you help with these others? We would appreciate any donations toward the total cost of $4000, so that we can provide our horses with the best care and keep them in shape for the 2022 therapy season. You can donate through our facebook page or using the Donate link on this website!
Rocky Sweetie Casper Blondie Hank