PATH Intl has honored Betty Tangeman as an outstanding representative of the volunteer community for her tireless commitment of time and talents to Equine Assisted Therapy Alaska. She will be recognized at the regional conference, and as a regional winner is also a finalist to win the 2022 PATH Int National Volunteer of the Year. Congratulations, Betty! EATA is fortunate to have you on board.
Giving Tuesday: Update
Thanks to all our generous supporters! We raised over $2300 and are able to buy new winter blankets and feed for our herd!
On Giving Tuesday, we all have a chance to count our blessings and give back to our community.
Click here to donate through Facebook.
Click here to donate through PayPal.
EATA horses need winter blankets! We could also use help buying feed for December.
Blankets to keep our furry friends warm and dry run about $100/each.
Feed (hay and grain) and supplements cost approximately $250 per horse per month.
Total donation request: $2500
EATA depends on donations to board our herd and keep them healthy through the winter, so they can come back to Alaska ready to work with our deserving clients.
We are grateful for all of you who keep this amazing program going!
The Herd Heads Home
August 15, the horses are loaded in their trailer and head for Canada and on to Oregon.
Follow their progress on our facebook fundraiser page or on the Photos Page of this website.
Volunteers of the Year
Horse of the Year
Gunner, with owner Ellie Kennedy
Gunner and Ellie volunteered their time to take riders on the trail and give our EATA horses a break. Although not a trained therapy horse, this lively morgan learned the job quickly and always took care of his riders.
Volunteer of the Year
Betty Tangeman (shown here on the trail with Janie Call and Rocky)
Betty was new to EATA and new to horses when she joined us last May. She gave 223 hours of volunteer time over the summer and quickly became a dependable team member. From assisting the Volunteer Coordinator, to leading and side-walking, to encouraging riders, to cleaning stalls, there was no job too large or too small for Betty! We appreciate her enthusiasm and kindness.
Inclusive Play
Are you as excited as we are about Inclusive Play?
The Anchorage Park Foundation, Parks For All, EATA, and Inclusive Play Committee organizations have worked together to bring Inclusive Play to Anchorage Area parks . Thanks to their efforts, more than a dozen area playgrounds now have equipment that is accessible to all children.More projects are planned for 2019. Go to the Anchorage Park Foundation website for more information to to find out how to get involved.
We can use your support in thanking the Rasmuson Foundation, the Anchorage Park Foundation, and Parks For All for making this movement possible. Would you take a moment and thank one of these three worthy organizations for their support?
Do so here:
Rasmuson Foundation
301 W Northern Lights Blvd #601
Anchorage, AK 99503
Anchorage Parks Foundation
3201 C St. Suite 110
Anchorage, AK 99503
Parks for All
Do you want to get involved with committee meetings? Let us know!
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